

★Property and construction project legal affairs. It includes land explore, land exchange, property develop and regulation and monetary and mort and sale, project bid, project check and acceptance, property recognize and disport and exchange. They are the advantage business for GuangDong MaoWen Law Firm.
☆Plan and financial and sale for Property development
☆Purchase and mort for the land
☆Design and bid for the project
☆Calculation for the land
☆Legal paper for the project
☆loan for the second hand property
☆Sale for the property at home and abroad
☆management for the property
☆Heritage for the property



Copyright 2012  广东茂文律师事务所

广州市海珠区工业大道石岗路27号绿地汇鑫楼308、309室   http://www.maowenlaw.com            电话:020-34471108
